– Information Security Management Certification
Enhance your competitive advantage and optimise your information security management with the help of Ingenium Software Solutions expertise! The uniquely management-focused CISM certification promotes international security practices and trains experts oversee and assesses an enterprise’s information security.
– Information Security Management Systems Audit Certification (BS ISO/IEC 27001:201)
Establish and maintain an information security governance framework and supporting processes to ensure that the information security strategy is aligned with organizational goals and objectives, information risk is managed appropriately and program resources are managed responsibly.
– Offensive Security Proffesional Certification
The Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP) is the companion certification for penetration testing and is the world’s first completely hands-on offensive information security certification. Our experts can help enumerate the vulnerabilities within your network, exploit them, and clearly document their results in a penetration test report.
– Certified Ethical Hacker
The Ethical Hacker Certification is the pinnacle of the most desired information security training program . Ingenium Solutions experts master the advanced hacking tools and techniques used by hackers and information security professionals alike to break into an organization. They immerse you into the Hacker Mindset so that you will be able to defend against future attacks.